The color temperature of the original light is also the way the store sucks gold.

In the study of the different characteristics of men and women, the following picture is particularly famous: the same is to go to the mall to buy clothes, men and women take a different road map. Women's twists and turns, back and forth comparison; men are simple and rude, just look at it. Therefore, a man can buy a piece of clothing in 6 minutes, a woman usually takes 5 hours to choose a satisfactory dress, and the shopping cost is definitely much higher than expected.
1 male and female behavior characteristics are different
Compare this picture, and then carefully observe the difference between men's clothing store and women's clothing store decoration, especially the lighting, you will be amazed by the design of the merchants.
Men's clothing stores, the overall is generally bright, the lights are usually bright, the goods are illuminated by the lights very bright. The bright lighting will make people feel concentrated and organized (the office lighting is the effect), making decisions quickly, just in line with the characteristics of men's shopping. On the contrary, the women's clothing store will be relatively dark overall, and the lighting is usually warm. The warm lighting makes people feel comfortable, lazy, and unwilling to think (the light in the bedroom is this effect), so that women can't help but stay and try more styles.
2 men's clothing store lighting design3 men's clothing lighting design
On a technical level, how does lighting create a completely different environment and thus exert a subtle psychological impact on consumers? Here we have to mention two professional terms - color temperature and illumination, today Xiaoxi will talk about color temperature in detail.
What is color temperature?
4 What is color temperature?
Color temperature, the color of light. Expressed by the absolute temperature K. When a standard black body is heated, when the temperature rises to a certain extent, the color begins to change gradually from deep red - light red - orange red - white - blue, and a light source and black body are the same color at a certain temperature. We refer to the absolute temperature of the black body as the color temperature of the light source.
Psychological effects of different colors on people
5 psychological effects of different colors on people
In daily life, different colors will give us different psychological feelings. Red will make people feel passionate, white will give people a clean feeling, pink will make people feel dreamy, sweet...
6 color effects on people
In a red environment, the pulse of the person will accelerate, the blood pressure will rise, and the emotion will be excited. In the blue environment, the pulse will slow down and the mood will be quieter.
The psychological effects of different color temperatures of light on people
For lighting, color temperature has the same effect on people's psychology.
The psychological effects of different color temperatures of 7 light on people
The above picture shows the contrast of eight different color temperature and different illumination environments. From the upper left corner to the lower right corner, the light gives people a different feeling: gloomy, bright, stuffy, warm...
In the conventional sense, the color temperature of light is generally divided into three types: warm color, intermediate color, and cool color.
8 warm light
Warm color: The color temperature is below 3300K. The red ingredients are more and more, giving a warm, healthy and comfortable feeling. Mainly used for homes, dormitories, hotels, hotels, western restaurants, cafes and other places to relax, leisure and entertainment.
9 intermediate colors
Intermediate color: The color temperature is between 3300K and 5300K, and the light is soft, giving a pleasant, comfortable and serene feeling. Mainly used in shopping malls, specialty stores, fast food restaurants, schools, libraries and other places.
10 cool light
Cool color: The color temperature is above 5300K. Close to natural light, with a bright feeling, people can concentrate and clean. Used in offices, hospitals, studios and other places where you need to concentrate your work.
The grasp and application of color temperature is an important course for commercial lighting people.
Light color and color temperature deviation
Some people may ask: Does the color temperature have a shadow on lighting products? The answer is, yes.
Here Xiaoxi wants to mention a concept: color temperature deviation.
The color of light itself has no distinction between good and bad, but the color of light used for illumination is an exception. The lighting color has an evaluation index: ±Δuv, which is the color temperature deviation.
11 light color quality and color temperature deviation
For lighting products, the smaller the color temperature deviation, the better, Δuv=0 is the best. However, due to meteorological factors, natural sunlight averages +Δuv 0.001, which is called CIE recombination daylight, so color temperature greater than 4000K requires +Δuv0.001.
Ok, now we are returning to the different ways of shopping for boys and girls. How do store owners choose the lighting in a targeted way?
As the saying goes, "Women's wardrobe is always missing a dress", a woman is a sensual animal. Women's shopping is more to meet emotional needs. For them, shopping is more of a psychological enjoyment process. At this time, a comfortable and casual shopping environment is particularly important. Therefore, women's clothing stores generally use low color temperature and low illumination to create a warm and comfortable light environment. Male friends shop more because they really need this product, more are physiological needs, they pursue fast and accurate when shopping. Therefore, men's clothing stores generally choose high-color temperature and high-illumination lighting to create a bright and refreshing light environment to attract them into the store.
12 women's clothing store lighting design
Of course, not many women's clothing stores and men's clothing stores use the above types of lighting, depending on the brand positioning and decoration style of the store.
All in all, the color temperature of light is an important factor in creating an atmosphere. What kind of atmosphere effect you want to create, the color temperature must be chosen! Of course, other factors should be considered in the use of lighting to create an atmosphere, such as the "illuminance" mentioned above.

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